We are back and in moving into action to get the dining room completed. The trip to Mexico was a much needed retreat with sand in our toes, hugs from family, and even a trip to the local town zoo to hold a baby black jaguar. I look scared cause this 'baby' had paws larger than my hand, and claws long enough to shred me...but he was still friendly enough cuddle and play. Soo cute.
We took a day trip south off the beaten path and stayed in what the locals called Casa Estrella, a one room house we rented for the night. The house was made of all handmade clay bricks with a thatched roof. Simple yet comfortable, small kitchen sink, a bathroom off the side, the floor was cement, and the bed was hung from the large rafters with a large net around it to protect us from the critters, of which I saw none. Thank God because I hate anything creepy crawly, even lady bugs can give me the heeby-jeebies (but I still love to camp...I'm weird like that)
The sunsets where unforgettable, and the beach was paradise.
I'm so jealous of you getting to hold a jaguar! The queen and I got to pet tigers in Thailand, but we didn't get to hold the cub. Lucky!